Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Emily's Canon

Books That She Likes and We Like: Fortunately, a large category. The Snowy Day is a favorite, though right now she seems to prefer Peter's Chair, another book featuring Peter that I don't like nearly as much. Goodnight Moon, The Runaway Bunny (though she wants only to look at the color pictures) also fit here. She loves the Sandra Boynton books, especially But Not the Hippopotamus, though she seems to be slightly less interested in that one right now. The Very Hungry Caterpillar her first favorite book and she still likes it.
Books That She Likes and We Do Not: Alas, a growing category. Elmo's Twelve Days of Christmas is a current favorite; we love Sesame Street, but this book isn't terribly interesting. The Sparkly Princess, which is both dumb and offensive, is also a big favorite (J won't read it without changing the words). Worst of all are the Veggie Tales books; the main problem with them isn't that they're overtly Christian (she has a children's Bible and we attend church) but that they're just poorly written and dull. But not to her, it seems, though she doesn't demand that we read them to her in their entirety; usually flipping a few pages is enough.
Books We Like and She Doesn't: Fortunately, nothing in this category. We haven't tried to force books on her. A little, maybe--I tried Peter Rabbit, one of my childhood favorites, but she wasn't into it and I put it away.

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