Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Careful with that subject line, Google

From Backstage Pass, I got an offer for "Concert Tickets, Signed Jew." Turns out it's something signed by Jewel.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


So we've ditched Facebook, which I hope means more frequent blogging. I'll do my best.

Monday, May 3, 2010


So it's funny that that was my last post on this blog. Let me see, on that diet, I lost 40 pounds. A dangerous amount of weight. I looked like walking death. People thought I was dying. Now I've gained most of it back. We tried the South Beach Diet again this January. Turns out you can't do it with two small children. Just impossible to stick to, even if you do avoid grazing on toddler food. So we're going to have lose weight the old-fashioned way, with a slightly improved diet and exercise.